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New ISAAC Digilab service


Following the successful AHRC-funded AI for DIGILAB project, we are excited to announce the launch of a new facility: the ISAAC DigiLab.

This is a standalone facility, offered free of charge to non-profit organisations engaged in heritage science research. The ISAAC DigiLab will provide spectral imaging data processing such as clustering for large data sets, using an automated methodology which was developed during our large scale survey of wall paintings at the Mogoa Caves UNESCO site and other Cultural Heritage projects. Our user-friendly GUISI visualisation tool will be provided for viewing the results. The ISAAC DigiLab can be used in conjunction with the ISAAC mobile lab facilities for data capture, or for analysis of data which are captured "in-house" by institutions which have their own analysis equipment.​

Cluster maps showing spectral similarity of pigments at Mogoa Caves, China


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